Week Beginning: 30th November

Monday 30th November


Reading - Read for 30 minutes and write in your reading diary what you have read. 

Spelling - Play on this week's spellings on Spelling Shed for 20 minutes.

Learning Activity - Complete pages 80 and 81 of your SPAG CGP book. The activity is based on this week's spellings on Spelling Shed.

Extension Activity -  Create a dictionary using today's words. Write a definition for each one and use it in a sentence. Make sure your sentences make sense and have perfect punctuation!

Maths: Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000

Play on TTRS for 15 minutes.

Video link: https://vimeo.com/475824701

Worksheet link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B6lF5U6BzenB_BtsddHE9PKb-oRmubwf/view?usp=sharing

Answers link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yd65bTon6_0AJoXyGKPFiRUWmurCEZYV/view?usp=sharing


World War 2 research topics:

Choose from one of the following topics and create a report about it:

  • The Blitz
  • WW2 aircraft
  • School life during WW2
  • WW2 fashions and clothing
  • Rationing and food during the war
  • Anne Frank
  • Winston Churchill
  • The role of women in the war
  • Propaganda posters – what were they? Design your own.
  • Entertainment – music and film

You may include pictures, diagrams, timelines and present your information in any way you wish.


Tuesday 1st December


Reading - Read for 30 minutes and write in your reading diary what you have read. 

Spelling - Play on this week's spellings on Spelling Shed for 20 minutes.

Writing - The Oaks Academy Exploring Expanded Noun Phrases.

Follow the lesson  and video on the website and complete the activity attached.



Today in school we are revising and recapping our last topic of multiplication and division. In this unit we have looked at:

  • Multiples
  • Factors
  • Prime numbers
  • Using factors (fator trees)
  • Squares
  • Inverse operations
  • Muliplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 100
  • Multiplying and dividing by multiples or 10, 100 and 1000

We will also be looking at cube numbers at a later date. 

Use your knowledge of these areas of maths to test what you have learned so far. Click on the link to find a series of questions about our learning on this unit and answer them as best as you can. Read each carefully and work through each possible answer before you choose! Some might be there to trick you! Once you have done, the answers are on the end of the slides, with reasoning to explain each answer. Use them to mark your work. 

Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PvkZvaRJ4kjbUrIU6d04Gda9TUK6zlSRD5Qcq0Y8TKQ/edit?usp=sharing


World War 2 research topics:

Choose from one of the following topics and create a report about it:

  • The Blitz
  • WW2 aircraft
  • School life during WW2
  • WW2 fashions and clothing
  • Rationing and food during the war
  • Anne Frank
  • Winston Churchill
  • The role of women in the war
  • Propaganda posters – what were they? Design your own.
  • Entertainment – music and film

You may include pictures, diagrams, timelines and present your information in any way you wish.


Wednesday 2nd December


Reading - Read for 30 minutes and write in your reading diary what you have read. 

Spelling - Play on this week's spellings on Spelling Shed for 20 minutes.

Writing - The Oaks Academy To Explore the functions of Fronted adverbials

Follow the lesson  and video on the website and complete the activity attached



Today we will be doing our end of term arithmetic test. To practise for this, have a go at this test below. Read each question carefully. Give yourself 30 minutes, show your working where neccessary and make sure you check your answers. When you are finished, use the answers link to mark your test and blue pen your answers to help you prepare for your end of term test when you are back in school.

Test link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i6-4I9h4h7WMXvj13SSizX7JSSfqllF_/view?usp=sharing

Answer link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oCx3PjlyFqxQxFdusOG_cND8z9gWt0cO/view?usp=sharing


World War 2 research topics:

Choose from one of the following topics and create a report about it:

  • The Blitz
  • WW2 aircraft
  • School life during WW2
  • WW2 fashions and clothing
  • Rationing and food during the war
  • Anne Frank
  • Winston Churchill
  • The role of women in the war
  • Propaganda posters – what were they? Design your own.
  • Entertainment – music and film

You may include pictures, diagrams, timelines and present your information in any way you wish.


Thursday 3rd December


Reading - Read for 30 minutes and write in your reading diary what you have read. 

Spelling - Play on this week's spellings on Spelling Shed for 20 minutes.

Writing - In this lesson, we will explore pronouns and possessive pronouns and practise using them correctly.


Follow the video and complete the activities. 


Today in class, we will be completing our end of term reasoning test. So that you are prepared for this, have a go at the questions below. They are based on the learning we have done so far this year. Take your time, show your working and check your answers. When you have finished, use the answers to mark your work.

Questions link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KoZiJ14gFKOF9ATyinueco1QJHUlC1gu/view?usp=sharing

Answers link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PJEt-yxsd3suzlpnVIJB6WKl2d0lmo-f/view?usp=sharing


World War 2 research topics:

Choose from one of the following topics and create a report about it:

  • The Blitz
  • WW2 aircraft
  • School life during WW2
  • WW2 fashions and clothing
  • Rationing and food during the war
  • Anne Frank
  • Winston Churchill
  • The role of women in the war
  • Propaganda posters – what were they? Design your own.
  • Entertainment – music and film

You may include pictures, diagrams, timelines and present your information in any way you wish.


Friday 4th December


Reading - Read for 30 minutes and write in your reading diary what you have read. 

Spelling - Play on this week's spellings on Spelling Shed for 20 minutes.

Writing - The Oaks Academy Exploring Word class.

Follow the lesson  and video on the website and complete the activity attached.


Lesson 2: This lesson, we will be making Christingles in class. Research the origins of the Christingle and how to make one. Can you find out what all the parts represent? If you have the materials at home, you could have a go at making one. Create a poster to inform people of the origins or the Christingle and giving short instructions on how to make one.


World War 2 research topics:

Choose from one of the following topics and create a report about it:

  • The Blitz
  • WW2 aircraft
  • School life during WW2
  • WW2 fashions and clothing
  • Rationing and food during the war
  • Anne Frank
  • Winston Churchill
  • The role of women in the war
  • Propaganda posters – what were they? Design your own.
  • Entertainment – music and film

You may include pictures, diagrams, timelines and present your information in any way you wish.