Y3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Morgan

Miss Waller

Welcome to the Year 3 webpage.

Mrs Morgan teaches Sparrows and Miss Waller teaches Doves.

Useful links: 

Google Classroom - http://classroom.google.com/a/elworthce.cheshire.sch.uk 

Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ 

Edshed - https://play.edshed.com/ 

Times Table Rockstars - https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth 

AR Book Finder: https://www.arbookfind.co.uk/ 

Summer 2024

Our topic this term is: Egyptians - What made the Ancient Egyptians so famous?

Through our Summer term topic, Year 3 will  be exploring the Ancient Egyptians and what made them so great. They will be history detectives, diving deeper into who the Ancient Egyptians were, their achievements and what brought their civilisation to an end. They will also use maps and atlases to locate Egypt and describe key features. 

As part of our topic, we will have a trip to Manchester Museum where we will visit the museum and meet the experts. The children will use authentic ancient Egyptian artefacts, find out about Egyptian mummies and some of the Ancient Egyptian beliefs.

Please download the topic web at the bottom of the page to find out more about what we will be covering in our topic this term.



Our first text this term is 'Egyptology: Search for the Tomb of Osiris' by Dugald Steer'. From this the children will be writing their own mystery narratives and seret diaries. 

Egyptology front cover.jpgEgyptology Book.jpg

Discover the wonders of ancient Egypt through a fascinating journal from a lost expedition -- a treasure trove of fact and fantasy featuring a novelty element on every spread.

Who can resist the allure of ancient Egypt -- and the thrill of uncovering mysteries that have lain hidden for thousands of years? Not  Miss Emily Sands, who in 1926, four years after the discovery of King Tut's tomb, led an expedition up the Nile in search of the tomb of the god Osiris. Alas, Miss Sands and crew soon vanished into the desert, never to be seen again. But luckily, her keen observations live on in the form of a lovingly kept journal, full of drawings, photographs, booklets, foldout maps, postcards, and many other intriguing samples.

Our second text will be 'Starbird' by Sharon King-Cha'. 

Starbird's songs weave the richest dreams and delight all who hear him, but when the Moon King traps him in a cage as gift for his daughter, the colour and life in his voice begin to drip away. While the Moon King is blinded by greed and selfishness, his young daughter can clearly see the injustice and cruelty of his actions.



All children are expected to read at home during the week. Children who are part of a phonics group should be reading their phonics book daily, as well as books on the Oxford Owl website for additional reading. Children in Mrs Morgan and Miss Waller's reading groups should be reading their AR books for up to 30 minutes three times per week as part of their homework and have their reading diary signed by an adult. These will be checked by their teacher during Reading lessons. Pupils in Year 3 will have access to Accelerated Reader when they have moved past Grey RWI Phonics. On AR children read their choice of book and complete a comprehension quiz online in school at the end. These results are tracked by teachers and the children achieve points for good test results. Children will have a range of books to choose from in school, but they are welcome to read books from home. You can use the AR Book Finder website below to find the Book Lovel of the book and see if it is in your child's range. 


Spellings/ Phonics

In Year 3, children receive daily phonics/ comprehension lessons as well as a daily spelling lesson following the Read Write Inc. scheme. The children will receive weekly spelling homework on Spelling Shed linked to the spelling patterns they are learning in class.

In addition, the children should learn the National Curriculum spelling lists which were given out at the start of the year. Children are expected to learn one column of spellings per half term and will require help and support at home to ensure the children achieve well. Ideally this should happen weekly – little and often – to enable the children to master the spelling of all of the words. We realise that some of these spellings may appear quite demanding, but every child in the country has to be proficient in the spelling of these relevant age-related words. All spelling lists currently set for your child are available on EdShed. 



We have PE every week on a Wednesday and Friday where you need to come dressed ready in your PE kit. At this time of the year, the weather is very changeable so always send your child in with the appropriate PE uniform (please refer to the school PE uniform policy on our website for guidance).  May we remind you that all uniform should be labelled to avoid any confusion and missing kit. This term in PE, Doves will be having dance with Mrs Game and Sparrows will be doing netball with Mr Darby. 

Fitness Friday

We will continue to come to school dressed in our PE kits on Fridays, as we have a focus on keeping active and healthy. Prepare for an active and enjoyable day of learning!



Homework will be set on a Monday and will and be due in the following Monday morning. All homework for Maths and Spellings is on EdShed. A link to this can be found below and reminders are posted on Google Classroom weekly. 



Day Set

Completed By


- EdShed maths based on what we are looking at in class

- TTRockStars




- EdShed weekly spelling list based on our class spelling pattern

After Christmas we will also be introducing CGP homework.




Phonics book or AR books

Daily phonics

AR: 20-30 minutes, 3 times per week

Reading records to be kept up to date with signatures from parents 3 times per week. 


- Termly list (Y3/4 National Curriculum list)

Start of half term

Last week of half term


If you have any further questions, please get in touch with your child's class teacher. 

Thank you for your continuing support.

Mrs Morgan and Miss Waller