July 2022
In light of new legislation coming into force to make school uniforms more cost effective, we have reviewed our uniform thoroughly and have now achieved what we hope you’ll agree is a way forward that successfully balances affordability and quality.
We have listened carefully to previous feedback from parents and children and considered:
- the availability and accessibility of uniform;
- the quality;
- the affordability;
- the wearability;
- the popularity of the design of our uniform.
We are very proud of our uniform here at Elworth CE Primary School and firmly believe that it:
- encourages pride in our school and our school identity;
- enhances behaviour; and reduces bullying;
- raises standards across the board and promotes equality on every level.
We are delighted to be able to let you know that all uniform items can be purchased via Badged who are a local supplier based in Haslington. As many existing parents / carers will be aware, there is a shop where you can try on and purchase items, and they do also have an online shop if you prefer. A link to their website is provided below:
Boys |
Girls |
Grey Trousers |
Grey Pinafores/skirts/trousers |
School Specific Sweatshirt |
School Specific Sweatshirt or Sweat-Cardigan |
Plain White Polo Shirt (EYFS & KS1 ONLY) |
Plain White Polo Shirt (EYFS & KS1 ONLY) |
White Shirt (KS2 ONLY) |
White Shirt (KS2 ONLY) |
School Tie (KS2 ONLY) |
School Tie (KS2 ONLY) |
Grey Socks |
White or grey socks/tights |
Black Shoes |
Black Shoes |
**All Reception children will need wellies from September.** |
Summer Term Alternatives:
(From after the Easter Holiday up to October Half Term)
- Boys and girls in EYFS & KS1 may wear white polo shirts, and formal school shorts in charcoal grey.
- Girls in EYFS, KS1 & KS2 may wear a pale blue checked summer dress.
- Boys and girls in KS2 may wear formal school shorts in charcoal grey.
PE Footwear:
It is essential that all children wear trainers rather than pumps. An extra pair of socks are also a good idea, especially for any girls wearing tights.
For your reference, our whole school PE Kit is listed below:
Boys |
Girls |
Royal Blue Elworth Printed Logo Tech shirt |
Royal Blue Elworth Printed Logo Tech shirt |
Plain Black Shorts (unbranded) |
Plain Black Shorts/fitness pants/skort (unbranded) |
Plain Black Jogging Bottoms (unbranded) |
Plain Black Jogging Bottoms (unbranded) |
School Specific Fleece |
School Specific Fleece |
Blue Elworth Logo Waterproof Coat (Optional) |
Blue Elworth Logo Waterproof Coat (Optional) |
Trainers and Sports Socks |
Trainers and Sports Socks |
Swimming (Summer Term only for EYFS) - NO JEWELLERY
Boys |
Girls |
Swimming Trunks (brief style) |
One-piece Swimming Costume |
Cap (for shoulder length hair) |
Cap (for shoulder length hair) |
Towel |
Towel |
It is very important that all items of clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled with your child's name.
(*) You will notice that we have introduced polo shirts all year round for our EYFS and KS1 children. This is to make it a little easier for our younger children and encourage them to be independent when getting dressed and undressed.
(*) Similarly you will also notice that we have removed the wearing of polo shirts for our KS2 children. This is a conscious decision to support them as they begin to grow up and make that all-important transition into the next Key Stage as well as beginning the process of preparing them for High School at the end of Year 6.
(*) These will be phased changes over the next academic year as we are aware that some families may have existing uniform that is still suitable. Please note that we expect these changes to be fully adopted throughout the school by the beginning of September 2023.
We hope you will agree that we have made the necessary changes to support our families in this difficult economic climate,
whilst still maintaining our high standards of appropriate dress.