Y2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Rookes
Welcome to Spring Term 2025
We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break. We look forward to hearing the children's news about places they have been, activities they have done and presents they have had.
The classes in Key Stage 1 are named after woodland animals:
Miss Roberts is in Year 2 and is teaching Badger Class.
Mrs Rookes ( KS1 Phase Leader) is in Year 2 and is teaching Fox Class.
Useful links:
Google Classroom - http://classroom.google.com/a/elworthce.cheshire.sch.uk
Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
Edshed - https://play.edshed.com/
The topic in Year 2 is " Lost in the Forest "
Our topic this term is a geography based one where the children will have the opportunity to experience a local forest and compare this to a rainforest in Australia.
In English we will base our learning around the following 2 books
In Science we will be looking at Plants - seeds and bulbs
Please take a look at the topic webs and knowledge organisers below to find out more details of our exciting topic.
General Information for Year 2
Your child will read daily in school, as part of a small group. Some colours follow a 3 day reading system in school (Red, Green, Purple, Pink) and others follow a 5 day plan (Yellow, Blue, Grey). Alongside this, they will be given a high quality story book to share with you. This needs to be returned and will be changed on the same day as their RWI book.
We would love you to be reading with your child everyday at home, and ensuring you are signing their Reading Record once you have read with them. This is essential for their successful reading journey and to develop a love of reading.
You will also continue to have access to Oxford Owl and their library of resources and ebooks which match with the story they are reading in school.
Please ensure your child has both their reading book and reading diary in school everyday.
The use of phonics is one of the many skills needed to be a reader and writer. At Elworth, our intention is to teach high quality phonics to ensure that the children have the best possible start in reading and writing, equipping them with the skills required to access the wider curriculum. Our children learn to read and write effectively and quickly using the Read, Write Inc. speed sounds phonics and reading programme. We teach fast paced and lively phonics sessions. We place early reading and writing at the heart of our curriculum so that children have multiple opportunities to help them practise and apply their phonics knowledge so that every child feels successful and has their success celebrated.
Ruth Miskin - Understanding Phonics
In Read, Write, Inc Phonics, children:
- Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills.
- Read common exception words on sight
- Understand what they read
- Read aloud with fluency and expression
- Write confidently, with a strong focus on vocabulary and grammar
- Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words
- Acquire good handwriting
- Read books that are closely matched to their developing phonics ability.
Children are taught phonics and reading for 40 minutes per day. Children are in small groups led by a trained Teacher or Teaching Assistant. All staff are trained and empowered to deliver high quality phonics and reading sessions and receive regular professional development opportunities from the Phonics Lead. All staff follow a planned, systematic programme building on previous learning to secure progress. Children read daily as part of this small group, on a 3-day structure. The first day focuses on using phonics to decode. The second day is based around building fluency and expression and on the third day the focus is comprehension. Children take home a Read Write Inc Book Bag Book that uses the same phonics sounds as the book in the reading session, so that children are able to make good progress by practising reading books that are familiar to them. In addition to the daily phonics session, we operate additional target groups for children who need additional support.
Useful videos
We will continue to have one P.E session a week on a TUESDAY afternoon. This PE lesson will be taken by the PE team.
Children are required to come to school wearing their full PE Kit. With the guidance in place advising against changing clothes in school, children will be required to come to school wearing their full PE Kit on their allocated day (and also on Fitness Friday).
We are suggesting that the Elworth PE t -shirt and shorts/skort be worn underneath the Elworth jogging bottoms and zip up top on colder days. A waterproof jacket is a necessity, in case of poor weather. Children will also need to come in wearing a sensible pair of sports trainers.
Homework will be set weekly. It will be set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday. This homework can be found by logging onto Spelling Shed and Maths Shed. Please let your class teacher know if you are having problems accessing either site.
Children will be able to order snacks on a daily basis. If your child is having a snack from home, please can you ensure it’s a healthy snack and avoid sending in chocolate or sweets.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle every day. In the current climate we are unable to provide cups for children who have forgotten their bottle.