EYFS 2024 - 2025
Mrs Astley
Miss Hegarty
Welcome to the Spring Term in EYFS
Our Classes:
Ladybirds will be taught by Miss Hegarty. Mrs Wilmot and Mrs Greening will be the Teaching Assistants supporting the class.
Caterpillars will be taught by Mrs Astley. Miss Gunner and Mr Lockett will be the Teaching Assistants supporting the class.
Mrs Marrow will also support the EYFS classes during their activities in the day.
Our ‘Narrative Immersion’ topic for this half term will be ‘What the Ladybird Heard' by Julia Donaldson. We will be exploring the themes of community, citizenship and achievement through exciting and imaginative activities. The children will play and learn in contexts that challenge and inspire their curiosity using drama, stories, songs and rhymes.
During this time, we will be observing the children and using these observations to plan fun and exciting future topics. We will inform you of future topics via our class page on the school website.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) which is divided in to 7 areas of learning. All areas of learning are interconnected and implemented through carefully planned, purposeful play based around the children's interests.
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional development;
Communication and Language;
Physical development
Specific areas
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
In Reception we learn through a range of teacher directed and child-initiated activities which take place both inside and outside the classroom. We focus on building positive relationships with the children where the children feel supported and learn to be strong and independent learners.
Please send your child to school with a healthy snack to have during the morning. In the afternoon fresh fruit will be provided daily. From Monday 9th September, children will have their lunch in school. They can either have a school lunch or bring their own packed lunch. The lunch menu can be found on the school website, please look at this with your child and discuss the days meal choices with them. Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school daily.
PE lessons will be on a Monday afternoon. Children will also take part in 'Fitness Friday' every Friday and will therefore need to wear their PE kit on both Monday and Friday.
Children will be required to come to school wearing their full PE Kit. As they will have to wear their PE kit throughout the whole school day, the children will need to be suitably dressed and prepared for indoors, outdoors and all weather conditions. A waterproof jacket is a necessity, in case of poor weather. Children will also need to come in wearing a sensible pair of sports trainers.
Read, Write, Inc.
As a RWI school we have access to fantastic videos which we use in school to support children in learning their sounds. We have put all the videos on a school page which you can access to support your child in learning them. We would appreciate you continuing to support your child with learning and retaining their sounds. https://sites.google.com/elworthce.cheshire.sch.uk/phonics/home